NTIRUSHWA DOMINIQUE KIGALI - RWANDA +250788312248 dominiquen@mtn.co.rw

Monday, June 11, 2007


I was also successful in developing proposal for projects at the Gisimba Orphanage. I found funding for three Projects regarding the work at this orphanage. I designed, developed, coordinated and provided technology training for many, many children of this facility. Additionally, I found funding for other activities, clothes, shoes and toys for these kids. I have tried to provide much hope, training and inspiration for the children there. I still have additional plans to provide more training for the children of Gisimba as well as other orphanages.


Upon my return to Rwanda, I was in charge of developing courses for the students at my school who had also been a part of the first project. I had large responsibilities for setting up these courses and providing the teaching to both students and teachers who were interested. Lisa Holmes visited the project at my School twice since my return and she was satisfied with the progress and actually very impressed with all that has been accomplished.

I designed a school website as well as another for students in the USA to learn more about Rwanda. ( www.rwandanhistory.blogspot.com)
In September 2006, I assisted Lisa Holmes and Colleen Taugher with presentation I made to the Minister of State of MINEDUC as well as representatives from other institutions such as NRU, KIE, KIST and others from MINEDUC. I was very articulate and helpful for these sessions.