Dominique, Lisa's Mum and Lisa Holmes ( Senior Research Asociate- Washington State University.
In May 2006.I was a selected student from My High School to receive intensive ITC training. This project included business applications such as Word and Spreadsheets while learning business practices such as resume` development and budget design. I learned how to disassemble and reassemble a basic computer and to recognize at the parts for troubleshooting. We practiced basic keyboarding skills and developed PowerPoint presentations during the training as well.
I was a very fast and skilled learner and the leader of my school. I was selected to come to the United States for further ICT studies during the summer holidays of 2006. During the two weeks in the United States, I developed strong skills in web design utilizing HTML. I learned to create and build blogs as well as an expert to teach others how to access and utilize the Washington State Digital Learning Commons. Additionally, I learned many skills for digital photo editing and design.

I also attended an intensive Leadership Camp while in the USA as well. I was able to learn many skills and behaviors to improve both ourselves as well as teach others at my school in Rwanda. I also learned how to develop and write project proposals
Am a Rwandese, and Am currently a Student at the
Kigali Institute ofScience and Technology ( KIST)
In the Departement of Electronics and Electrical Engineering (EEE)
The Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication.